QLD Timber Species 

Most of Queensland’s timber is sourced from our mature softwood plantations which are dominated by exotic pine and native hoop pine

Native hardwood forests provide timber that is very dense, strong and extremely durable in exposed use. The most significant commercial native hardwood species in Queensland include:

Native Cypress also grows in some of the more isolated areas of Queensland west of the Great Dividing range.

Cypress has a natural resistance to termites which makes it popular for structural applications such as house framing, flooring, wall lining, fencing and cladding.

This table outlines Queensland’s timber species plus you can check out what timber species are permitted under Queensland Building Regulations for specific purposes in the book  Construction Timbers in Queensland (CTIQ). You can also visit QTimber for an interactive, web version of CTIQ.

Timber Botanical Name Common Applications Main Properties Availability


Eucalyptus pilularis

Above ground framing, decking, cladding, internal flooring, panelling


AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant, shrinkage (7.3%), high density, medium toughness, bushfire resistant, Strength F14 to F27

Readily available

Grey  Box

Eucalyptus  woollsiani, Eucalyptus moluccana

In-ground framing, decking, flooring

Hardwood, AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant, shrinkage (8.2%), very high density, high toughness, Strength F17 to F27

Limited availability


Callitrus glaucophylla

Above ground framing, flooring, decking, lining, cladding, fence posts and rails

Softwood, AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant,  Shrinkage (2.5%), medium density, low toughness, Strength F5 to F7

Readily available

Grey Gum

Eucalyptus propinqua

Framing – in-ground and above ground (exposed)

Hardwood, AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant,  shrinkage (7%), very high density, medium toughness, Strength F17 to F27

Readily available

Forest Red Gum

Eucalyptus tereticornis

In-ground and above ground framing (exposed and protected), decking, cladding, internal flooring

Hardwood, AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant, shrinkage (8.6%), high density, medium toughness, Strength F 11 to F22

Readily available

Rose Gum

Eucalyptus grandis

Protected above ground framing, internal flooring, panelling

Hardwood, shrinkage (7.5%), high density, medium toughness, Strength F11 to F22

Readily available

Spotted Gum

Corymbia maculata/Corymbia citridora

Above ground framing (exposed and protected), decking, cladding, internal flooring, external joinery

Hardwood, termite resistant, shrinkage (6.1%), very high density, high toughness, bushfire resistant, Strength F14 to F27

Readily available

Grey Ironbark

Eucalyptus paniculata

In-ground and above ground framing (exposed and protected), decking, internal flooring

Hardwood, termite resistant, shrinkage (7.5%), very high density, high toughness, Strength F17 to F27

Readily available

Red Ironbark

Eucalyptus sideroxylon

In-ground framing, exposed above ground framing, decking, internal flooring

Hardwood, termite resistant, shrinkage (6.3%), very high density, high toughness bushfire resistant, Strength F17 to F27

Readily available

Southern Pine - seasoned

(Caribbean Pine, Slash and hybrids)

Pinus caribaea Pinus elliotti

Internal flooring and panelling; when seasoned – protected above ground framing; when preservative treated – in-ground framing, exposed above ground framing, decking, cladding, external joinery

Softwood, termite resistant when treated to H2 or higher, shrinkage (4 to 5%), moderate toughness, Strength MGP 10 to MGP 15

Readily available


(Hoop Pine)

Araucaria cunninghamii

Internal flooring, internal joinery, panelling; when seasoned – protected above ground framing; when preservative treated – in-ground framing, exposed above ground framing, decking, cladding, external joinery

Softwood, termite resistant when treated to H2 or higher ,shrinkage (3.8%), low toughness, Strength F7

Readily available


Eucalyptus microcorys

In-ground and above ground framing (exposed and protected), decking, cladding, internal flooring

Hardwood, AG Durability Class 1, termite resistant, medium shrinkage (6.1%), medium toughness, Strength F14 to F27

Limited availability

Mixed Unseasoned Hardwood (QLD)

Eucalyptus spp.

Corymbia spp.

Protected above ground framing, cladding, internal flooring, panelling

Mixed species properties vary, medium toughness,

Strength F14, F17

Readily available

About Us

The Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Network (AQTMN) is a group of Queensland owned and operated businesses with the aim of growing Queensland's forest and timber industry.

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