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Where does Queensland timber come from?

posted: 20/May/2015

Nowadays you might consider the origin of the food you consume, or even the conditions in the factories your clothes are produced.  But have you ever thought about where the wood for your homes floor, walls, frame or deck comes from?

Queensland has sawdust in it's veins

Queensland’s long tradition of timber and tin homes means we have suburbs full of beautiful homes built over the last 200 years still standing strong – all made from locally grown timber.

The epic feats of early settlers in the 1800’s felling and moving the giants of the forest without mechanics are hard to fathom in today’s world of WH&S regulations. In the early 1900’s Queensland’s forest and timber industry employed 9000 people – outnumbering the employees of any other industry!

Fast-track to 2015 and while the forest and timber industry is no longer the biggest employer we still make a healthy contribution employing more than 20,000 people directly and helping create other roles in related and service industry -  much of this in regional areas.

Facts and figures

35% of Australia’s forests are located in Queensland.  With 52.5 million hectares of native forests and 233,000 hectares of plantations the Sunshine State has the largest forested land area in the country. 

Queensland’s timber is grown predominately in plantations there are approximately 232 000 hectares of commercial timber plantation comprising of

  • 189 000 hectares of softwood plantations (Hoop Pine, Slash Pine, Caribbean Pine, Slash / Caribbean Pine hybrids, and some Radiata Pine).
  • 34 000 hectares of hardwood plantations (Spotted Gum, Western White Gum, Gympie Messmate, Dunn’s White Gum, Corymbia (Eucalypt) hybrids, and Teak).

There are also a large number of small (<30 hectares) single and mixed species plantations and private native forests throughout Queensland.

There are also primary processing plants from Ravenshoe in Far North Queensland to the outskirts of Brisbane, which:

  • Inject over one billion dollars into Queensland’s economy
  • Pay almost $100 million directly in wages and costs, and a further $100 million to independent contractors
  • Supplies 87 % of Queensland’s softwood demand

Support Queensland's timber industry

Next time you’re buying timber think about the origin of the product. Will you buy local timber that help builds our economy?

Asking for a quote for Queensland timber can help keep jobs and economic value in our great State. Locally grown and manufactured products meet our high Australian standards so you can have confidence in the quality. Buy Queensland timber!

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The Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Network (AQTMN) is a group of Queensland owned and operated businesses with the aim of growing Queensland's forest and timber industry.

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