We sell Queensland Timber

The Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Network (AQTMN) and Accredited Queensland Timber Product (AQTP) trademarks have been developed and are managed by peak industry body Timber Queensland.
The AQTMN and AQTP trademarks may only be used by approved users with the express written authority of Timber Queensland.
This trademark program:
- provides a structure designed to highlight and lift awareness of Queensland grown and made timber products
- allows consumers to readily identify locally grown timber products through the use of a distinctive logo trade mark
- allows consumers to easily identify a timber merchant / hardware supplier that sells Queensland grown and processed timber products
- provides producers and suppliers with a readily recognised brand underpinned by a set of rules governing its use
- provides a website searchable directory of all AQTP and AQTMN registered producers and suppliers
- provides a website resource for consumers with a guide to the uses and properties of Queensland timber species.
- identifies sources that are trained and have Queensland product knowledge.
Members of the Network have agreed to stock and sell Queensland produced timber at a fair price. However, they also recognise that Queensland rely on a proportion of imported timber products (from interstate or overseas) to meet our overall demand for timber in Queensland, which helps to maintain industry capacity and market share against other building materials.
Members of the AQTMN are therefore not expected to stock Queensland produced timber exclusively, but to at least offer Queensland produced timber when equally fit-for-purpose compared with other timber products.
You can identify an AQTMN member via their use of the logo
All accredited Queensland timber products sold by network members will be identified with this logo
Find your nearest Accredited Queensland Merchant Network member using the merchant search.