Latest News from Buy QLD Timber

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Nobody knows better than a builder how important it is to use the right tools for the job.

Nowadays you might consider the origin of the food you consume, or even the conditions in the factories your clothes are produced. But have you ever thought about where the wood for your homes floor, walls, frame or deck comes from?

See the terms and conditions for the Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Kick it for QLD Timber competition.

So you're choosing timber and you think the choice is pretty simple - you'll need hardwood for the tough jobs and softwood for lightweight roles. Right? WRONG!

A timber floor is a big investment so you need to ensure that the finish that you choose is appropriate to achieve your desired results

Welcome! No matter if you are a builder or architect, a DIY renovator or planning your dream new home build you’re in the right place to be informed and inspired about the use timber.

About Us

The Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Network (AQTMN) is a group of Queensland owned and operated businesses with the aim of growing Queensland's forest and timber industry.

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